For all levels of cricket players, from the guy that plays professionally down to the weekend cricket player that has just begun playing, there is a desire to work to improve one's game. Some of this work comes from practice, specifically batting practice to work on batting technique and timing. With practice, a batter can be able to easily score runs off even the best bowler. However, there are many other ways to work on one's game. One of these is trying out various cricket bat grips to find the one that works the best for you.
What is the Cricket Bat Grip?
The grip of the cricket bat is the area where they batter holds the bat. The grip is made of a number of different materials including rubber and leather. As technology has evolved for the sport of cricket, cricket bat grips have come a long way since the inception of the modern cricket bat. The grip has two critical jobs that require a very specialised material. A grip must cushion but still allow good control. The cushioning, or anti-shock effect, allows the batter to more comfortably hit repeatedly. The shock of the bat making contact with the ball, over the course of a game, can cause fatigue in the hands of even the most hardened batter. By adding a grip made of anti shock material, it reduces this fatigue. The other job of the cricket bat grip material is to provide a surface that has sufficient friction to ensure that the bat doesn't go flying with a really hard swing.
Choosing the Right Grip Material
There are many different options and opinions as to what is the best grip material for a cricket bat. Some emphasise the anti-shock properties while others emphasise how well the grip sticks. The two need to be balanced, but that balance will vary depending on the person. However, the extremes can be discussed. A grip that offers truly superior anti-shock properties at the expense of all else will be hard to hold onto and can even make the bat twist slightly when it makes contact with the ball. In other words, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. However, someone with a lot of hand strength that squeezes the grip tightly will need more anti-shock material than someone that doesn't hold the bat as tightly.
The amount of grip that each type of grip material offers too, can be too much. Something really sticky may ensure a good grip on the bat but could also cause pain and blisters with repeated use. On top of this, a truly sticky grip material would become less and less sticky as dirt, skin contact and skin oils all work to stop the grip from being as sticky. Most people find that they prefer a texturised grip of some sort that offers grip through friction. Some purists still use leather as well because it cannot be beat for those that have sweaty hands or for those playing in wet conditions. However, proper care of the leather and there being products with better anti-shock properties, make some choose a rubber-based grip instead.
Are you looking for Cricket Bat Grips for your sports club or just for your hobby? If so then speak to Sckub Sports. For more information on the company please visit the website at http://www.sckub.co.uk/epages/Store2_Shop1043.sf
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Harry_Worthington
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